Sunday, October 29, 2017

Anger and Rage = Rank and File of the UFT

     In contemplating the past few years as an ATR the one thing that stands out is the isolation. I used to think it was only ATRs that were experiencing this,but it's apparent it is commonplace among many staffs. The schools have been purposely designed to thwart friendships and collaboration. There are no teacher cafeterias or teacher lounges in many schools. Many are teaching 6 periods and have no time for anything other than preparation. 

     Many of them are under tremendous stress and have no colleagues they are willing to trust. As an outsider many of them have spoken to me. As I have said, I have come across several teachers crying over the past few years. It's over lack of discipline of the kids, the workload and overall unfairness of the new reality of being a teacher. Many become very depressed, angry, despondent and quit. Those that don't are often discontinued after trying to achieve tenure. There is no friendly face, guidance or mentoring. There is however, the automatic deduction of UFT dues from their payroll checks. Many don't know their rights and the UFT has not been helpful with them when they ask for help. These teachers will not remain in the UFT if Janus passes. 

     What about ATRs? Many of us have become complacent about our positions. We see the unfairness of it, but we also see a light at the end of the tunnel, as most of us have twenty or more years in the system. For those ATRs that have 5 or more years to go, most are angry and will opt out of the UFT. I read an excellent opinion piece this morning on how and why Trump was elected president. People were angry and felt they had no voice. It is the same for many in the rank-and-file. Do not let emotions guide your actions. If there was an alternative to the UFT, I would join, but as there is not, I will remain a UFT member. I will say this to the UFT - we need, all need to have a voice. 

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