In our current iteration in the theater of the absurd, Andrew Cuomo is running for mayor of New York City. No, I’m not joking and I have every expectation that he will win by a landslide. But where does that leave us? Right now we have the underwhelming Mayor Adams - who squeezed the UFT, via the always incredibly accommodating Mulgrew, like a sponge for whatever he wanted - which included putting us into Medicare Advantage. So the question becomes how do we think Mulgrew will handle Andrew Cuomo? A narcissistic, arrogant, thieving liar with a history of murderous intent?
Let’s look at Mulgrew’s history of negotiations. I went back and did a little research. It was quite jarring to say the least.
The most telling quote I got from my research was the city’s Chief negotiator, a Mr. Linn’s, quote that negotiating with Mulgrew was ‘like a man negotiating with a child.’
It will be almost as bad as when Bloomberg was in charge. At least with Bloomberg, he stayed quiet. Will he know enough to do this with Cuomo? I’m sure he’s shivering in his boots right now figuring out a way that he can throw Uft support behind Cuomo. This is his usual modus operandi. I’ve used this analogy before, but it fits the confrontation avoidant Mulgrew to a T - he’s like a guy, spotted by a group of thugs with mayhem on their minds, that goes and gives each of them $10 to leave him alone. That’s always the plan with Mulgrew. Cuomo will most assuredly try to stick us in Medicare Advantage. How can I be so sure of this? Because Cuomo has attempted it before with state workers. It was thwarted. At the state level, there are a lot more people who have the wherewithal and ability to fight someone like Cuomo. It’s going to be difficult here (other than with Marianne, who is of course wonderful).
So what’s the answer? The answer is to vote out Mulgrew and his party, Unity, once and for all. Cast them out like a bedbug infested couch. It’s a no brainer - it shouldn’t even be something that has to be seriously considered. Now I’ve been on Facebook recently, and there are a lot of Jewish retirees who feel that the only real competitor is antisemitic. I’d argue that we are literally fighting for our lives and that without medical insurance, some of us are going to have a premature death with a lot of suffering. In such circumstances one must grab the lifesaver or drown. I don’t believe that Amy Arundel is an antisemite, but if you’re looking at comparisons to her and Mulgrew - I would look a little more carefully at his history of embracing and financing antisemites.
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