Monday, February 3, 2020

Getting Through the Day


     After being away from babysitting (as an ATR) for a year, I still care about teachers left in the trenches. I know there are many teachers suffering and don’t see a way out. I was reminded of that recently. Many of them give into despair. It’s ignored by everyone, sometimes even by their immediate families. The UFT doesn’t publicize how many of its members commit suicide. I’ve personally known two. Getting help for overwhelming depression and anxiety is a must. Lots of people, especially from conservative families, ridicule mental health help. I’ve meet them and their guilt at their loved ones funerals. I know many teachers that are completely addicted to Xanax. Xanax is an especially insidious drug in that you quickly build up a tolerance, and will go into shock if you try to get off it abruptly. If you do so cold turkey, you will have seizures and quite possibly die.  The doctors that are prescribing this anxiety medication often seem to be completely unaware of these  dangers. Some completely cut their patients off (because of more stringent drug laws and their fear of losing their licenses). I knew one young man who was completely cut off, going through withdrawals and bought fake Xanax laced with fentanyl. He died. There may be many close to us that are severely depressed and/or completely addicted to pills, booze and stronger escapes.

     There is no shame in getting help. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness. If you have a problem rehab and psychiatric help is covered by our insurance. You can get a medical leave and your problem cannot be used against you. Many are deathly afraid someone will find out. The loudest, seemingly happiest people in the room are often the ones that are adept at hiding their emotional pain. Often their families are completely unaware that anything is wrong. I am sure there are many we may know that go through most days drunk and/or high. I get it - ‘teaching’ can be a horrid way to make a living. Self medicating to get through the day may seem like the only rational option. Just remember you cannot be fired for having a problem and getting help; but it will be too late for you and your family if you overdose or kill yourself or others while driving. Most people I’ve known with alcohol and substance abuse problems are sensitive, caring people. This world should belong to them, but it doesn’t, and modern society seems quite content to sit back and watch those that are leave it en masse.

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