Sunday, April 19, 2015

Common Core Part 2

More gut wrenching high stakes tests this week! My daughter is a wreck and spent the whole weekend with me studying. It was 80 degrees and sunny outside and we were doing probability, logic and statistics inside. The stuff is complicated, contrived and the answers are never whole numbers (so we end up double checking everything). My nephew came over, he's the same age, and my sister opted him out. He's relaxed, tanned already and can't understand why my daughter won't go bike riding with him. He's right! How surreal is it when educated, middle class parents say no to what's deemed educationally superior by schools?

The papers are saying it's being driven by unions and being done by the affluent. Our union is in favor of Common Core and the vast majority of parents opting out are middle class. I just read that teachers who opted their kids out could lose their teaching license! I don't believe it though!

                       Andy: Those teachers broke the law, Atlas. Luckily, your daughter took the tests.

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