Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Let’s Play the Blame Game


   I just got back from a mini - vacation at Long Beach Island in NJ. I didn't watch TV until everyone started telling me about a mass shooting in Texas. I stayed up very late that night and when I got up I heard there was another mass shooting in Ohio. At first I thought the news gnomes were referencing a past event, but alas no. The house I rented was very pleasant, but I was a little disturbed to see a huge Trump 2020 flag hanging across the street from me. The house next door put up a ' Pro- American, Anti- Trump' flag in response. I believe the divisions we see everywhere are interrelated. We need someone or something to blame for whatever ails us. Guns are the reason we have mass shootings ( Democrats). No, mental illness is why we have mass shootings (Republicans). Well, there are gradients of truth in both statements, but they are both wrong.

   How does one define mental illness? I'm apt to feel anyone that fervently supports a complete fraud is mentally ill, but perhaps they are only misguided? I'm apt to feel that anyone who uses abortion, supports the death penalty or eats meat is mentally ill - but perhaps they are just selfish. I might also think anyone who disagrees with me is mentally ill, but that’s just being a true American and we all feel that way. A mentally ill (I can't define it, but I know it when we see it) person with a gun could be problematic, but most of those folks, if they do get hold of a gun, turn it on themselves. Ok, so if it's not mental illness, what is it? I believe it is a mix of ribald anger, ravenous hunger for instant gratification, outrageous selfishness and hate. Hate for those we can blame. The Mexicans for stealing that dishwashing job we want to have the option of applying for, the Blacks for having the audacity to move into our neighborhoods, religion for having rules we don't want to follow, welfare moms for stealing our tax dollars, the pharmaceutical companies for making the pain meds we need, the drug dealers for selling us the drugs we crave, the media for telling us what we want to hear, the gun manufacturers for making and selling the guns we love and ourselves for who we are. Nope, guns are not to blame, they are the means. Guns make it easy to kill, and that is as good an excuse as any to ban them - but that won't stop mass killings in this country. It may in other countries, but not here - the berserker anger goes way too deep. The disaffected will find another means like a van, a knife or some other dark way I don't like to contemplate. Well, what's the answer?

    I believe the answer is to stop blaming others for society’s ills. Let’s start with ourselves. Don’t like something? Work to change it. If you can’t change it, try another approach. We also have to change ourselves from the inside out. We can begin by weaning ourselves off all addictions, (i.e. cellphones, social media, alcohol, drugs, TV, excessive food) and start reintroducing ourselves to people. Also start reading again, initiate conversations, partake in family dinners and take a walk. Simple, right? Not really. Try leaving your cellphone home tomorrow, for the day - don't make an excuse you need it, you did without it for most of you life. Do it for one day - most of you won’t be able to - and see if there's a change in your perspective. You may be very surprised. Cheers.

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