Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 2020 Vision in a Myopic World


   The past few days have been surreal. I rarely watch TV, but since the virus has started to expand here, it almost never goes off. I changed that yesterday. I turned off Trump, deBlasio and Mulgrew simultaneously. Bliss.  My daughter is doing six hours a day of distance learning. Her senior trip was canceled and her prom - with the possibility of graduation also. Additionally, we planned to visit several colleges this month - all cancelled. I decided to make a quick escape. I took a day trip up to Beacon with Boca Harry. (World famous for his pre-apocalyptic parties, he’s in town planning for the big one.)  This was only after visiting the supermarket. All the meat, toilet paper and cat food was sold out. I very rarely eat meat and have plenty of cat food and toilet paper - for now. There should be limits to how much of everything we are allowed to buy - especially if it’s essentials. In 1994, when I taught at Prospect Heights HS, I carried a roll of toilet paper in my book bag, because there was never any in the restrooms - many teachers ended up using the NY Post or Daily News (I’m not joking). No one reads actual newspapers anymore, and we can’t wipe our butts with our phones, so prepare accordingly. Ahem ...

   Back to my day trip. Beacon was basically shut down, except for a liquor store and a coffee shop that offered all types of beverages, including hard cider and wine. We spent most of the afternoon there relaxing by a waterfall and laughing with two attractive, out of work yoga instructors. Boca Harry then decided to look for more exotic alcohol (his favorite is Core Gin) so we visited the liquor store. Everywhere I went, no one was wearing gloves or masks, everyone was well oiled and everyone was looking for a good time.

   Knowing what I know about NYC, I’d say alcohol and drug use are way up. Boredom isn’t a good thing for those ill accustomed to it. Good thing I’m a boredom master because of five years as an ATR. I no longer ever get bored. I can chill in the middle of a riot or watching a Yule log. No matter where I go, there I am. Everything is a state of mind.

   Ok, what to do. Everything or nothing and everything in between. Many aren’t taking the virus seriously. Do so at your own risk and everyone else’s. I think there should be a two week national quarantine. If that doesn’t happen then, in my opinion, it doesn’t make sense to self quarantine, unless you have an underlying condition. That’s not to say I’d be going into work at a Amazon or NYCDOE warehouse- but I would take precautions just for everyday activities. Gloves are needed. Go outside and get some exercise. Avoid crowds. Check in on older folks (via technology) and protect yourself from all dangers real and imagined. All my progressive, gun hating friends are buying out the gun shops. Keep those guns safely stored and stay well (and sober).

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