Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Architects of Fear

     Many years ago, I watched an episode of ‘The Outer Limits’ called ‘ The Architects of Fear’ (it’s available on HULU) in which some scientists tried to find a way to unite the world. What they came up with was a common enemy. One of the scientists picking lots, lost and found himself transformed into a hideous alien. The world did come together under the threat of an alien invasion. What ‘The Outer Limits’ episode failed to delve into is what else, beside agreement to fight a common enemy, occurs when a deadly threat is thrust on the world. The world requires strong leadership. Oft times this leadership is reinforced with readily curtailed personal liberties. Many may be unaware that we are still living with the deeply unconstitutional Patriot Act, that was enacted after 9/11. Phone calls are monitored and recorded. Texts and social media is, as well. If certain words or other red flags occur during your interactions, it will be reviewed for any potential terrorist activity. People can be held indefinitely without being charged or even given an explanation. People can and have been tortured. New rules or lack of them can be kept secret from everyone. This matched with ever evolving technology makes for ever increasing intrusive means to police the populace. Facial recognition and genetic histories that are being bought and sold - and in the case of US citizens, we are paying companies to own our genetic history and our DNA, under the ridiculous guise that it will reveal our ethnicitie(s) and race(s). Every self- hating member of almost every ethnic and racial group readily sent in their hundred bucks. These companies now know who you are related to and what illnesses and vices you are predisposed to. They also now own your DNA and it can and will be sold without your permission or knowledge. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out where this could lead to - especially with our money hungry, savage healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. (Technology also makes it very easy to deep fake anyone on film and now leave genetic evidence as well.) The question I pose is, how can the one percenters - the ones who control the power in this nation and the world - achieve the goal of a compliant, passive and totally monitored populous?  A pandemic is one way, of course.

    In that now infamous province in China, there were reports of a lab that constructed  military grade viruses. Is that what this is? Something that was intentionally or mistakenly released to start the formatting of a New World order?  Does it matter? No, not really. The results will be the same. This virus has the potential to mutate and come back continuously. In order to ensure a  healthy and productive work force, it may be necessary to monitor all of us continuously, as well our physical locations - already done via our phones. Think body temperature, think genetic predisposition to this virus,  think actions that may weaken the body towards the virus. I read today some doctors speculate that young healthy people who vaped marijuana are especially hard hit if infected. Right after reading that I heard recreational marijuana is off the table for NYS. (I strongly believe all drugs should be legalized, in part because no government should be allowed to police our consciousness and also it is the only logical way to help addicts and greatly curtail crime. Drugs such as MDMA, DMT and psychedelics can change the world for the better. Eventually a Brave New World drug like SOMA will have to be legalized to further enslave the masses - I always thought it would be marijuana, but perhaps there’s something new that will be marketed.) So are teachers’ Spring break. No discussion, no refusal and not a word from the UFT. Hey there’s a pandemic going on - shut your mouth and do as your told. Look to your union president as an example of how you should behave. The European settlers of the New World decimated the native population via contagions. The British government and American entrepreneurs enslaved the Chinese with opium. We’ve recently lived through the opiate epidemic facilitated with Chinese fentanyl and now this. Are we experiencing karma on a national level?

    Are we willing to sacrifice personal liberties and privacy to remain safe? Overwhelmingly, I would say yes. Your lost Spring break will be the first in a series of painful acquiescences. This virus has the tremendous potential to make all of us compliant sheep and you know what happens to sheep.

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