Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump: Save Yourself by Ingesting Disinfectants

    I watched Trump this morning, at one of his pow-wows, claim that disinfectant and/or UV light inside the body could have wonderful effects on the coronavirus. (There are many copies on YouTube - see it in its entirety.) At first, I thought I was watching some type of comedy sketch with an excellent Trump impersonator like John Didomenico. Unfortunately, that was not the case, it was real. I had to rewatch it four times to get the full impact. I’d have to say that in it’s implication, it was one of the more frightening things I’ve witnessed.  It tells everyone, with a half a brain, that this man is completely unfit to be President of the United States. Trump needs to be removed from office immediately. I’ve tried to be objective when it it comes to Trump - he has done some good things and he has done plenty of bad. He got us the ventilators we asked for; he stopped immigration from China at a crucial time, but he also initially downplayed the crisis - calling it a Democratic hoax. I don’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth. I just heard him say he was being sarcastic. He might have gotten away with that save for asking his cringing doctor to confirm his statements. Teen thugs are apt to say much the same, when caught threatening another student or teacher - I was only joking. Imagine Trump, as a teacher, going into a class and telling his students, during a long lecture on cleanliness, to clean themselves, from the inside out, by drinking some hand sanitizer. What would happen to that teacher? First, there would be calls from parents asking for an explanation. Then Donny Trump would be called into the principal’s office to explain himself (and it wouldn’t have been the first time). This could go one of three ways. If a student actually tried it, there would be a police arrest and termination proceedings. If no student tried it, the principal would ask for an explanation. ‘Sarcasm’ wouldn't cut it. He/ she would explain that those in authority positions can not endanger those they are entrusted with with ‘sarcasm’. She/he would then make an Oors report and investigators would remove Donny to a DOE rubber room. Eventually, Trump would be seen by a psychiatrist to ascertain if he was fit to teach. No matter what that determined, Donny would never again see the inside of classroom as a teacher. In all likelihood, his career would be over and he would be the poster boy of incompetent teachers on the front page of the NY Post, brought out each time teachers asked for a raise or stood up for their rights.

    As President, Trump must be held to a higher standard than that of a NYC teacher. There must be calls to ascertain his mental fitness. This is not the time for dangerous suggestions or dangerous  sarcasm. This wasn’t sarcasm, this is much scarier than the virus. (Here’s another video from John D.   ) Trump has the power to devastate this country more efficiently and effectively than a pandemic.

Stay well and safe, (and please don’t drink the disinfectant).

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