Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mulgrew’s Nightmares and Retirees’ Dreams


The unthinkable has happened - Mulgrew and his party of sycophants, also known as Unity, have lost a major election and all 300 seats.

Mulgrew sits in his inner sanctum on his throne at 52 Broadway. He is unshaven and looks like he hasn’t slept for sometime. The clock hits 11 AM and his staff slowly slither into their offices. 

Mulgrew : Leroy get in here! 

Leroy: Yes, Mike. everything OK? ( Lee seems a little nervous.)

Mulgrew: You dare ask me that question?! You know darn well that everything is not OK, that the unthinkable has happened and I don’t know how it happened! I want your take on it!

Leroy: Well, I believe that the retirees saw through your lies, fought back and won.

Mulgrew: (He lets out a bloodcurdling scream that is heard at the AFT headquarters in Washington,DC. The rest of his staff quickly and quietly close the outer doors of their offices and turn on Alexa to play their favorite show tunes.) How dare you! You know and I know, that is impossible! They are sheep and they cannot think for themselves! Now give me the real reason!

Leroy: ( Thinking quickly and creatively) Well, I hesitate to say this, but perhaps someone has put a curse on you. Of course, I can think of no one that doesn’t love you -so I’m at a loss to say who it could be.

Mulgrew: Interesting. Perhaps all I need to do is get a witch to take the curse off? 

Leroy: Well, there are rumors that Randi is flying in. 

Mulgrew: Please, don’t remind me… No, I don’t think anyone put a curse on me. This actually seems even more paranormal.

Leroy: Well, I hesitate to say this, but I did have a dream last night. And in it, I saw a smiling James Et —

Mulgrew: Stop! Don’t say his name! I had the same dream! 

Leroy: Well, he has won at last. Try to accept your defeat gracefully.

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