Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Art of Double Talk


I was perusing, The Chief , this morning and something caught my eye and ire. The Chief article, by Richard Khavkine, entitled ‘Mulgrew’s Resolution for Medicare Falls Short, Claims Critic’, in which Mulgrew is publicly touting what he claims to believe - here’s a snippet -

 “To counter what he implied was the avarice of profit-driven health care providers and the indifference of elected officials, the president of the United Federation of Teachers, Michael Mulgrew, last week proposed a resolution calling for federal legislation protecting Medicare and Social SecurityMulgrew’s resolution, among 17 presented and passed at the American Federation of Teachers convention in Houston, Texas, which he attended, notes that the two entitlement programs form a vital part of the nation’s core safety net, and for seniors in particular. It argues that they should not be burdened by uncertainty concerning the two programs given “a national healthcare crisis is affecting all workers.”  

This is yet another picture of Mulgrew in action or rather inaction. He does manage, rather well, to keep himself in the news and in the public eye. The story centered itself around him pushing a bill through the AFT to protect Medicare. It’s hard to fathom the nerve of this guy. He tries to screw everybody into Medicare Advantage and then when it looks like it’s not going to go through, he changes his course. Or so, it seems. In reality, he hasn’t changed a thing. As for protecting traditional Medicare, he is still in favor of putting each and every one of us in Medicare Advantage . He has said so himself on a recent radio show - there’s a link on my last blog post for a deep dive . So why all this BS? It is the art of double talk taken to near mastery. BS flying from both sides of his mouth. For the gullible Uft members, he is the protector of Medicare. For Mayor Adams he is his partner in pushing us all into Medicare Advantage - “Our version is better than Joe Namath’s! But I can’t prove I worked on it!” - (actual quotes from Mulgrew during that radio show). For the AFT he is a wonderful local union boss who is doing everything for his members. For Randi, he’s towing the line - as she’s like a possessed marionette on fire, besides herself in anticipation for a second shot as secretary of education under Kamala. For the public at large, he’s trying to protect Medicare for everyone. He stands for everything and everyone. In reality, he stands for nothing and no one. 

Here’s a little more from the article via The Chief -

 “But the union president has not fully backed off from the plan. That his partial turnabout came about a week after UFT Retired Teachers chapter elections that saw the pro-Mulgrew Unity slate soundly beaten by the Retiree Advocate slate, which had campaigned largely in opposition to the Medicare Advantage plan, led some to suggest that Mulgrew’s shift reflected more his desire to hold on to the union’s presidency than any sincere sentiment. Union elections are next year, although Mulgrew, who will be completing his fifth three-year term has not yet said whether he would seek a sixth. Whatever his motivation, though, Mulgrew’s stance did not allay criticism, and renewed calls for him to renounce to the city’s Medicare Advantage effort entirely.” 

(Remember to buy The Chief  and subscribe - a truly great paper. You will not get this from the Uft’s propaganda rag.)

Stay cool. 

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