Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Fall

 Hopefully everybody’s having a good school year - those of you who are still working. There is a very strong feeling of massive change in the air. I’m not sure exactly what will happen, but I’m aware of the potentialities. The hate, from those who used to be rational people, is beyond understanding to me. The legacy media is keeping hatred stoked, red hot . By legacy media, I mean those channels/avenues of information that we used to watch when we were younger, with a few exceptions - Facebook, X (Twitter), etc. I haven’t watched them in about three years. I get most of my news from a few trusted sources, but occasionally I will watch CNN and Fox back to back; my favorite papers have always been the NY Times and the NY Post - but both are guilty of extreme political bias. It’s quite remarkable how one story could have two entirely different takeaways.  The takeaway for me is that they cannot be trusted, and they are in the business of manipulation, fabrication, and hyperbole. And of course, if the information is so strong, and so against the philosophy of that venue, it will just omit the entire news story. That is not what bothers me the most about the media. What bothers me most is when our government steps in and controls the narrative via the media. We have to stay grounded and think for ourselves . This will be helpful for the time we are about to go in. These are some of the potential threats I see on the horizon. Hopefully, I am very wrong.

Civil Unrest/ Domestic Terrorism/Civil War

Both candidates have their rabid followers. It isn’t difficult to conclude that there are certain people that want Trump out of the picture, by any means possible. Two assassination attempts and it’s all but forgotten a few days later. After listening to the candidates objectively , Trump should win handily. I think some on both sides of the aisle see this. I believe another misfit or (worse) highly trained person (foreign or domestic) may try to get him one more time as this conclusion sinks in. Then there is the high stress level Trump has to be experiencing - always looking over his shoulder. What I’m saying is that he could be out of the picture before the election via natural or unnatural means. What happens then? Would the election be called off? Perhaps. But I believe that if he is killed or found deceased - it will create a great danger and vacuum in our country. This will be especially true if the powers that be try to push Kamala in, without an election process. 

Natural Disasters 

Something is happening with the Earth. Of course, we know the Earth is getting warmer, but there are also some troubling signs in the form of potential problems via the sun. Sunspots, solar flares, solar storms can create all kinds of problems on the earth which can vary from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which can cause great devastation. (Don’t buy any coastal property.) If our country is in policial turmoil at the time and something like this happens, we are in real trouble. 

World War 3

Our politicians are heavily invested via stock investment in companies that they have been helping either directly or indirectly. Many of these companies are under the umbrella category of the military industrial complex. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Black Rock, Goldman Sachs and other companies, directly or indirectly, are supplying arms bought and paid for by the US to keep these forever wars going. As the US continues to escalate the weapon supply in the Ukraine and Israel, it’s just a matter of time before we are directly involved. All of this is about money - it has nothing to do about wanting to help the Ukraine or help Israel. There were ample opportunities for this administration to broker peace, but it made a deliberate choice not to do so. 

Financial Collapse 

The debt crisis that we are going into is beyond scary. A lot of people don’t understand what goes on concerning the unrestrained printing of money by our government. If something isn’t done quickly, our monetary system may collapse. What that means is digital currency and the potential for all our pensions, Social Security and savings to be greatly diminished. 

On a positive note, no matter what changes we can be ourselves. Stay grounded.

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