Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Mulgrew Takes a Stand! Against Problem 6 and 7 Year Olds

For those of you who haven't heard, Mr. Mulgrew has taken a tough stand against Mayor deBlasio's new discipline policy banning suspensions of 1st and 2nd graders. This outrage has forced him to write a letter to the NY Daily News denouncing it. Not a word against the lifting of the cellphone ban, the defacto end of suspension for all students (except 1st and 2nd graders), the proposed removal of metal detectors, or a host of indignities heaped on educators and students alike that are simply too long to list. Why and why now? It's comical, in that it is the least egregious act from deBlasio in his well intentioned, ill devised discipline policies. We teachers are simply terrified of 6 year olds! Watching Problem Child sends shivers up the collective spines of all teachers. Mulgrew hears our cries and delivers for his members! Don't forget that and Bill please, please, please don't get too miffed by Mike.

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