Sunday, April 19, 2020

Babysitters All - Updated

    I just got back in from doing my daily walk, no meditation though, the one I’ve been doing for over a year.  No one was wearing masks or gloves and the park was completely packed . Its usually deserted at any time of the day or night. Not that I’ve been going there at night, but I used to assume that, although I was just told it’s a hotspot for anonymous gay sex and drug dealing after hours. You’d have to be really hard up for drugs or sex to go into, what I thought of as ‘my’ park, at night. This is the same park I’ve met the white squirrel. had another encounter with something very strange - a half gold and black bug that looked like it had a face and fangs. It came right up to attack me, looked at me and took off. I grabbed my phone for a picture, but to be honest I was a little afraid it would come back. More signs and I'm afraid it’s not good - hallucinations or the end of the world. Boca Harry was with me trolling unusual locations looking for a date. (He was silently ranking every woman in hawk eyed range - so of course, he didn’t see the creature, I just discovered, is from the Book of Revelations.)  For him masked women are a challenge - like trying to pick up women wearing burkas - it’s usually a no go. He just bought a full body condom, hoping for the end of his drought. Ah, the game is always a lot more fun that the home run. He’s also taken to walking in graveyards, as the parks are just too crowded with unruly children and their equally loutish parents. Thank you, G-d, for releasing me from the hell that was ‘teaching’. It  was with very little satisfaction that I read the mayor’s comments today, alluding to you poor devils as babysitters. At least he admitted it! No more playing games about education - it’s about feeding, keeping them busy and off the streets. I’m sure it was a painful smack in the face for many of you, and for that I’m truly sorry. I know many of you strive to do the best you possibly can and have made real sacrifices, that have nothing to do with money. Take this time as a gift to reflect on what you want to do with the rest of your life. Don't waste it. Don’t ignore your own kids because your trying to save someone else’s. Stop tolerating disrespect. Well, you get what I’m saying - don’t waste your life. Life should be so much more than paying bills. Savor your victories, large and small - but never brag. Stay well and safe.

—- I just saw a picture and article concerning the bug I saw - Asia’s murder hornet.


  1. You and Harry seem to have a lot of fun together. I think I know you. Did you really see that thing you described? I don't think I'll stay teaching, but what else can I do? Who wants to hire an over educated WASP, with no white guilt, in NYC?

  2. We do and I did. You can do whatever you really want to do. Teaching is a dead end in NYC.


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