Sunday, February 12, 2023

All Things Considered, I Hope the UFOs are Balloons


     There are numerous reports of UFOs being spotted around the world and our government shooting three out of the air (four if one counts the Chinese balloon). There are also reports that one of these is cylindrical and metallic with no propulsion; one of the other ones is described as being octagonal. They are also saying these aren’t balloons. It makes me think that either it’s something with a payload or it’s non-human. I know some will scoff at the idea, but these things have been around for a very long time  and often pop up prior to major catastrophes and wars, as well as around nuclear plants and installations. (I have no idea what they are or where they come from.) I recently read a description of a similar object flying over an especially brutal and large Roman battle in what would become Germany. Here’s the rub, everything is pointing towards a (nuclear?) world war with China and Russia on one side and the West on the other. As all attempts at a peaceful end have been thwarted,, it’s almost a certainty we will have war. Our military industrial complex doesn’t want peace and a staged alien invasion (a la Ronald Reagan, ) may be a way to unite and ultimately control every country’s population.

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