Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Great Apology Tour and Kyle Smith likes Bloomberg (What a Surprise!!!)

As I mentioned in my last post, Bloomy is out and about apologizing to the groups he needs to vote for him on his way to the White House. He’s crossed Women off the list and today it was Blacks - (I’m sure his actual list has Bitches and Coloreds written in red). Does Bloomberg understand how many lives he ruined and futures he dimmed because of stop and frisk? I know one kid (at the time) that got arrested, booked and lost his scholarship because he was arrested during stop and frisk while coming home with a loose joint.

The folks that love Bloomy love him for those he attacked - the poor, the middle-class, the unions, public school teachers, the homeless and the mentally ill. There are many that I believe will never get an apology - namely us.  Our old friend Kyle Smith, who likened us to radioactive sharks, is back to elevating charters, denigrating unionized teachers while disguising it as a begrudging love letter to Bloomberg. Kyle writes with the assumption that his audience are complete fools  :
“I have a filthy, embarrassing little secret: I like Mike Bloomberg. He’s smart, he’s tough, he’s an able manager. As mayor of this little village on the sea, he drove down crime and hugely improved public education by ramming through the teachers unions to create space for charter schools, which now educate more than 100,000 New York City kids. He understands how the city works and boosted the real estate industry and Wall Street. Oh, and he bulldozed those smelly Oberlin twerps out of their little Occupy Wall Street performance-art playground, which was not only the right policy decision but also hugely entertaining.”

Well, Kyle, I have a filthy little secret too - Not all of us are fools. I hope to see every charter school in this city eventually shuttered and the UFT finally become a real union again.


  1. bloomberg just apoliged for the atr pool saying it was a mistake but seemed like the right thing to do at the time....oh yeah stop and frisk also

  2. He'll never apologize to ATRs, the UFT or teachers. The UFT has used his policies for their own benefit - Fair Student Funding. It allows senior teachers to be targeted (for their high salaries) to remain on the payroll paying dues, while newbies are hired and also pay dues. Bloomy is running to make sure billionaires never have to pay their fair share. Someone should stop and frisk him.


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